Array Creation

BINDGEN: Returns a byte array with each element set to its subscript.

BOOLARR: Creates a boolean vector or array.

BYTARR: Creates a byte vector or array.

CINDGEN: Returns a complex array with each element set to its subscript.

COMPLEXARR: Creates a complex, single-precision, floating-point vector or array.

DBLARR: Creates a double-precision array.

DCINDGEN: Returns a double-precision, complex array with each element set to its subscript.

DCOMPLEXARR: Creates a complex, double-precision vector or array.

DICTIONARY: Creates a new dictionary variable with case-insensitive string keys.

DINDGEN: Returns a double-precision array with each element set to its subscript.

FINDGEN: Returns a floating-point array with each element set to its subscript.

FLTARR: Returns a single-precision, floating-point vector or array.

HASH: Creates a new hash variable with string or number keys.

IDENTITY: Returns an identity array.

INDGEN: Return an integer array with each element set to its subscript.

INTARR: Creates an integer vector or array.

L64INDGEN: Returns a 64-bit integer array with each element set to its subscript.

LINDGEN: Returns a 32-bit integer array with each element set to its subscript.

LIST: Creates a new list variable.

LON64ARR: Returns a 64-bit integer vector or array.

LONARR: Returns a 32-bit integer vector or array.

MAKE_ARRAY: Returns an array of the specified type, dimensions, and initialization.

OBJARR: Creates an array of object references.

ORDEREDHASH: Creates a new hash variable that preserves key order.

PTRARR: Creates an array of pointers.

REPLICATE: Creates an array of given dimensions, filled with a specified value.

SINDGEN: Returns a string array with each element set to its subscript.

STRARR: Returns string array containing zero-length strings.

TIMEGEN: Returns an array of double-precision floating-point values that represent times in Julian dates.

UINDGEN: Returns unsigned 16-bit integer array with each element set to its subscript.

UINTARR: Returns a unsigned 16-bit integer array.

UL64INDGEN: Returns an unsigned 64-bit integer array with each element set to its subscript.

ULINDGEN: Returns an unsigned 32-bit array with each element set to its subscript.

ULON64ARR: Returns an unsigned 64-bit integer vector or array.

ULONARR: Returns an unsigned 32-bit integer vector or array.